Highland Pest Control
280 peach St. Merlin, OR 97532
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(541) 476-6326

Highland Pest Control
280 Peach St. Merlin, OR 97532
Free Estimate | Call Us Today

(541) 476-6326

Bug Blog

Deborah Pratt

Pest Control: Fruit Flies

The Fruit Fly population tends to spike during the summer months,  around harvest time.  Fruit flies are attracted to  ripe or overripe fruits and vegetables.  Lots of times they enter your home or business on produce.  Once they've entered the home and are able to reproduce it becomes very hard to control and remove the population. Females lay about 500 eggs.  The eggs usually hatch within 24 hours.  Their larvae develop in rotten fruit and vegetables, and sometimes in decaying meat.  The fruit fly's entire life cycle lasts about 25 days. 

The best way to prevent the infestation of fruit flies would be to store your fruits and vegetables in the fridge and keep your counters clean! If you have no fruit or vegetables, but your still seeing fruit flies, it's possible they have found breeding grounds in your drain or possibly your garbage bins or all the above. Once you have located the source of their breeding grounds, then the process of eradicating them truly begins.

Ridding your home of fruit flies can be very overwhelming and difficult.  If feel like your losing the battle against fruit flies give Highland Pest Control a call. We're always happy to help!

Catch you later!

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